The DREAM Initiative


The Distributed Renewable Energy - Agriculture Modalities (DREAM) initiative will build the first solar mini grid powered large scale irrigation systems in Africa, providing farmers with reliable, affordable, and sustainable irrigation.
Partners involved in the project include:
Ethiopia's Ministry of Water and Energy
Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs)
Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)
Agriculture Transformation Institute (ATI)
Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP)
The World Bank
European Investment Bank and African Development Bank - Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa
Renewvia Involvement

Renewvia Solar Energy PLC, the Ethiopian subsidiary of Renewvia Energy Corporation, will be implementing the solar mini grid project as awarded by DREAM in four sites in the Oromia Region: Huluku Village, Dalle Village, Moko Dodota village and Chefe Kora village.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) have been completed for all four sites, submitted to and approved by the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and confirmed through the issuance of Environmental Clearance certificates for each site.
The final approved ESIA reports may be accessed here:
Chefe Kora